Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Plan of work for extension

Things have taken longer than expected. NHPRC has granted the project a one-year extension. The plan is:

Appendix 1: Time Schedule – Plan of Work

Note: we have 2 Epson scanners. 4 years are being worked on at any one time. Our two permanent staff members are each doing a year, plus the student assistants are working on their own years. Since we have increased the number of hours being spent scanning, we are uncertain how much will be accomplished during the summer months.

As of June 16, 2008 the following years have been scanned:
1825 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835
1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842
Parts of 1843 and 1850

1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873
Parts of 1875 and 1890

June 2008:
Complete 1843, 1850, 1875, and 1890 if possible.
begin 1844 and 1876
update blog
[TCA: completed 1850 and 1890, blog updated as of 6/25/2008]

July 2008: complete 1844, 1876
Begin 1845, 1877, 1851 and 1889
update blog

August 2008: complete 1845, 1877, 1851 and 1889
Begin 1846, 1878, 1852 and 1888
update blog

September 1, 2008 (in time for the SAA annual meeting)
EAD Finding Aid will be posted and available in html
5000 images will be posted. Metadata records will be in the database

September 2008: Complete: 1846, 1878, 1852 and 1888
Start 1847, 1879, 1853 (we will have fewer student assistants at this point)
update blog

October 2008
Complete: 1847, 1879, 1853
Begin: 1848, 1880, 1854
update blog

November 2008: Complete 1848, 1880, 1854
Begin: 1849, 1881, 1855
update blog

December 2008: Complete 1849, 1881, 1855
Begin 1856, 1857, 1882
update blog

January 1, 2009: Will aim to have 30,000 images now at DLG posted and available for viewing. TCA will deliver additional scans to DLG by January 1.

January 2009: Complete 1856, 1857, 1882
Begin: 1858, 1859, 1883
update blog

February 2009: Complete 1858, 1859, 1883
Begin 1860, 1884, 1893
update blog

March 2009
Complete 1860, 1884, 1887
Begin 1861, 1885, and 1886
update blog

April 2009
Complete: 1861, 1885, and 1886
Begin: 1862, 1863, and 1864
update blog

May 2009
Complete: 1862, 1863, and 1864
Begin 1891, 1892, and 1893
update blog

by May 31, 2009
Will aim to have additional images posted and available for viewing
Final set of images will be posted by July 1, 2009

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